Our ancestors were extremely brilliant. They understood all aspects of nature, sound, herbs, foods and even color and how colors affect our healing through our nervous system. Everything in our spiritual practice has a deep meaning, function and contributes to our ultimate healing and elevation.

Through the study of chromotherapy, therapists have found that colors affect our mental, emotional and spiritual well-being positively and negatively. Our ancestors already knew this and utilized color to receive the healing powers of the Orisa.

Below you will see descriptions of colors that you can familiarize yourself with and learn how to activate the healing power inside of you.

Taking this concept further, when we want to connect to a specific energy or healing power we are also connecting to the Orisa that is associated with that color. For example when you want healing energy you would choose the color green. Ifa is represented by green so you would connect to Ifa by wearing his colors and praying for him to heal you. If you want to experience purity and peace wear the color white and connect to the power of Obatala who is also referred to as the King of the White Cloth; ask him to bless you with purity and peace. Below is a listing of each Orisa with their respective colors:

Ifa - Green & Brown

Esu- Red & Black

Osun - Yellow & Green

Ogun - Green & Black

Sango- White & Red

Obatala- White

Oya - Red

Yemoja- Blue & White

Egbe Orun- Orange, Yellow, Red

Egungun- Red

There are a number of ways we can connect to the Orisa through color:

  • Wearing colored clothes

  • Burning colored candles

  • Eating foods that are the color of the Orisa

  • Including certain colors in your home décor (curtains, plants, flowers, pillows, blankets, paint of walls etc)

  • Artificial light (diffusers)

  • Crystals that are these colors

When we incorporate these aspects into our daily life we are tuning our bodies, minds and spirits to the vibration of the Orisa. This allows us to be in alignment with them mentally, physically and spiritually. Allowing us to communicate with them on their frequency and for them to come in and do the necessary healing work needed to attain our destiny.